Just Breathe

Hello again dearies,



It is I yours truly. Just being me and just breathing like normal lol. Well  a close friend of mine metioned to me today about makeing videos about make-up because she thinks i would be good at.

You know what ? i have been thinking about doing that been thinking about doing that alot lately  too which is strange for me because i normally dont do  those kind of videos but she makes a very good point.

My make-up when i do it is very gothic in nature and very dark sometimes (well some days it isnt all that dark  and gothie at all what so ever lol). But yeah.

I think i will give it a whril just one video maybe two just as a trial run to see what the people like lol.

i dont know maybe. But i will try it tho i’ll more then likely will do it tomorrow before a friend of mine comes over and such like that. Or maybe my friend will help me out with it lol ill give it a shot. Yeah i will and i wont back out of it  and ooo maybe i could had the hair to it too lol rightous just a got a video idea spin awesome lol

well need to get some things together if im going to do this new video justice. I’ll talk you sweethearts later




😉 have an awesome sauce night dearies


thepinkwitch 😀